The saddest thing I've ever had to write
After six good years and lots of adventures I'm announcing the end of The Christian Radical both as a print publication (old news) and now as a blog.
Due to a lack of help and my new family as well as a more physically demanding day job I find I no longer have the time and energy to carry this on.
I wanted to take time to think about it and decide on a path and have noticed an overall improvement in my mood and stress level since I stopped updating.
Honestly it had come to a point before this where I wasn't even trying as hard as I would have liked. I would cut corners in sourcing articles and by the end I had stopped reading this page myself. I'm ashamed to admit this but I want to in the spirit of full disclosure. as my readers you deserve nothing less.
I want to thank everyone who has helped make this zine and blog what it has been especially and by name Karl Germyn, J. Barrett Lee, Mike Benedetti Logan Laituri, Alex Iwasa, Joy Ellison, Steven Woods, The LA Catholic Worker community, the Vancouver Catholic Worker community, Frank Cordero, Kathy Kelly, John Dear SJ, Steve Kelly SJ, Ardeth Platte OP, The Jonah House Community, Streams of Justice, Melissa Sillitoe, Whitefeather Peace Community, the staff of The Nuclear Resister, The Pacific Life Community, Sherwood Ross, David Swanson and so many others it would be hard to list you all.
The Christian Radical has been my life in many ways over the past six years I'm sad it has to come to an end but without anyone to hand this blog off too it has run it's course.
God willing I will be able to come back to this project one day but I don't know when that would be. For now it has to come to an end. If you never have please visit
Vancouver DIY.com
The Christian Radical Archive
to download back issues of the print publication in it's online format.
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A Better World is on Her way.
Chris Williamson Rooney
The Christian Radical
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